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Power Bed Fusion

  • The M2 Cusing Multilaser from Concept Laser is a state-of-the-art, industrial additive manufacturing machine. It uses a dual, 400 W laser system to melt fine metal powders in a layer-by-layer process.The system can process various engineering materials including highly reactive materials like Aluminum and Titanium. Currently, the machine is using Stainless Steel 316L. The build chamber is 25 cm x 25 cm with a height of 28 cm and parts built on this machine have been found to be accurate to their design within 2/1000" or 50 um.

    More information about the system can be found on GE's website and Youtube.

  • This unique system projects a visible light image using modified projection technology. Integration with infrared temperature measurement allows surface temperature monitoring and closed loop temperature control across the surface. This system can be used to study material processing under slow heating. While fast heating with a laser is beneficial in some applications (curing high temperature materials on a low temperature substrate) due to the large temperature gradient, there are many material systems that are degraded by the high peak temperatures. The LAPS system allows for careful temperature history control to achieve well-controlled thermal history. Applications include alternative to laser sintering (LS) manufacturing and to the processing of biological materials.


    Photo of prototype Large Area Projection Sintering (LAPS) system used for experimental work in the lab.

Binder Jet Printing

  • The ExOne Innovent+ is a binder jetting printing system. Binder jetting is a process that uses inkjet printing technology to print a binder directly into powder. The powder can be a variety of materials including stainless steel, super nickel alloys, and ceramics. Binder jetting is relatively quick and economical compared to other metal additive manufacturing processes. Industry interest in the process is because of its precision, detail and cost. The process requires no support material either, allowing for improved part finishes and less material waste. Binder jetting is a two part process. Parts printed need to be sintered for full strength. Other post processing can be done to improve density and strength.

    ExOne Innovent+

    ExOne Innovent+ Binder Jetting System

  • Currently we are using a modified CNC mill with an inkjet system for a greater control of the binder jetting process. This system allows for parameter modification not possible in the ExOne Innovent+ such as droplet velocity, droplet size, and binder and powder materials.

    Custom-built binder jetting system.jpeg

    Custom-built binder jetting system for printing multilayer parts with comercial and custom binders.

Inkjet Printing

  • We have two MicroFab inkjet printhead systems. These research systems allow printing of a wide variety of custom inks with full tuning of the pulse characteristics and pressures. These systems are readily integrated with motion systems and instrumentation for studying a range of printing conditions and materials from traditional paper-based printing to Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) processes such as binder jetting and multi jet fusion (high speed sintering).

Measurement Tools

  • High speed video equipment includes a camera capable of full HD video at 4000 frames per second and up to 90,000 frames per second imaging at reduced image sizes. The equipment is used for monitoring droplet motion, sintering progress, and other dynamic event.

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    We have a custom contact angle measurement system that can be used for a wide variety of testing conditions. It has the capacity for applying voltages for electrowetting response studies. Advancing and receding contact angles can be measured using pumping and tilting methods. The equipment is compatible with high speed video imaging for studying dynamic events.

  • We have the capacity for testing ballistic shocks over 20,000g consistent with Mil Std ballistic impact on small systems. The system produces excellent half sinuisoid profiles with controlled duration. It has been used for testing the robustness of printed and embedded electronics.